Commitment to Fly as a Butterfly - You Qualified 

More Flying than Resting with a "we us ours" unifying outlook in all things.

Are light & playful, exude heart, courage & confidence. View life as exciting adventure. View life as play. Lead others. Have life of solutions & victories. Often filled with Joy! Feel jubilant & victorious. Are courageously living each moment. Embrace new stories & horizons. Always making new friends. Always making new friends. Are always and all ways grateful. Are peaceful & calm. Grow more knowing often. Enjoy a natural high. Make your own movies. Are always doing better. Excited learning new things. Know & accept a higher way. Excited for new chapters. Demonstrate the authority. Lift yourself & others up. Are a leader. Dance with the winds. Enjoy beauty & contribute. Are proactive. Are clear & concise. Live each moment fully. Embody heart, confidence & courage. Rise effortlessly. Patiently wait for the great. Create your fate. Life in truth. Love to fly. Love to love.

What this service includes:

  • Two Years of Whoop, plus 2 years Recovering from Stroke Whoop Group - see everyone's progress.  $500 value
  • Chi Palm as your own, with accessories. $750 value
  • Other Equipment to support. $500 value
  • Ten hours of online course work, with tasks to complete. $777 value
  • One and a half years of online coaching twice per month starting February $5000 value
  • Extra books videos and audios $250 value

    Total Value $7,777 
  • Today's Price $4,777